Code It!
- Design & Development
- Version Controls
- Peer Contribution
- RI Ind Annly4ic
- Functional and Non-Functional Compliances
- Stability, Security and Scolability Plans
Acceptance Testing
- User Story Acceptance
- User Journey Acceptance
- Peer Reviews
- Panel Recommendations
- Version Control Records
- Continuous Testing
InDep Window
- Design & Development
- Version Controls
- Peer Contribution
- RI Ind Annly4ic
- Functional and Non-Functional Compliances
- Stability, Security and Scolability Plans
- Operation, Optimization and Orchestration of App services (Public, Private, Hybrid)
- Scolobirrty and Serviceability of Clustered App and Infra Services.
M & M
- Monitor and Measure Feature Metrics
- Feedback Loop to Dev and Acceptance Panels
- TCO Models for Cloud Hosting or Private Hosting
- Business Forecasting and Continuous Development